Wednesday, September 24, 2008

400 Richest People in America

I would love to see a magazine "spoof" of this with the 400 poorest people in America- as a way to highlight & explain to those folks who think that poor people are just lazy* the REAL reasons why many people are in the straights they are.

It totally shouldn't be sarcastic or mocking of the people in it, but highlight even just one thing that might create an opportunity to help them help themselves. (Quality affordable childcare/health care/job training/etc. You name it) Maybe even just 40. And include a whole bunch of interviews with real poverty experts/results from studies like this one that highlight fiscally prudent investments in programs that work can really make a difference over the long haul. And for those who aren't swayed by the thought of helping another human, it could also boil it down to saving tax $ over the long haul.

* (true, some are, but there there are lazy bastards in every tax bracket, I'm talking about folks who work their asses off and still can't make ends meet.)

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